13th Age Deep Dive Part Finale … Part 1
![Biggus Geekus Podcast Biggus Geekus Podcast](http://biggusgeekuspodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/BIGGUS-2-150x150.png)
Episode 72 Tuesday, January 25,2022
Call ins & Emails from the Outlands
1. Call-ins and Emails – John Alan Large of The Red Dice Diaries
2. DC shooting themselves in the foot or are they?
and the New JLA?: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/19/e8/d6/19e8d691b6f2d5be601586a668d73163.jpg ( thanks to Eric Sciver: https://youtu.be/gp0WJoIvzJU for a great overview)
3. Cthulhu Awakens by Green Ronin: https://www.dicebreaker.com/games/cthulhu-awakens/news/cthulhu-awakens-rpg-green-ronin
4. 13th age SRD: https://www.13thagesrd.com/ and the ARCHMAGE engine pdf: http://pelgranepress.com/media/SRD/CombatRules.pdf
Main Topic: 13thAge Deep Dive Part 3
The New
One Unique Thing (OUT)
Relationship Points [RP]
Background Points [BP]
Failing Forward
Weapon & Armor Categories, Damage and Goods
Rest and Re-charges
Full Heal Ups
1 Random Question: Is the GM just a player?
Shameless Plug Time:
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