RPG Collections & Downsizing

Biggus Geekus Podcast
Biggus Geekus Podcast
RPG Collections & Downsizing

Episode 39 Wednesday June 2, 2021

Call Ins

The Positive Material Plane
1)We played the Sanctuary game- good times- dumb wizard, serial killer, assassins guild, and ghosts, oh my!
2) Taylor from Clerics Wear Ringmail Blog in response to us being “noisome”:
3) T-shirt idea: “Biggus Geekus, you just have to smell it to appreciate it”

RPG Collections & Downsizing
Collector mentality – do you have it or not? Buying new RPGs: got to get it all or not? If you have space, then why ditch it?

A Cabin Con Moment
Downsizing at CC. Advantages & Disadvantages of larger groups.

Dig this Setting: DEADLANDS! Wild west meets zombies while magic & technology collide.

Shameless Plug Time:
If you would like to support our show, please help get the word out and check out our website at: www.biggusgeekuspodcast.com/support.
Share with your friends and let us know if there is another way that you listen that we could support better.
Check us out on YouTube now as well. Rate us on Apple iTunes or other pod catchers.
Our email is questions@biggusgeekuspodcast.com feel free to send any questions or comments to us.

We would also like to encourage you to check out a few podcasts that we like.
Red Dice Diaries (with John Alan Large and his wife Hannah)
Radio Grognard (with Glen Halstrom)
The Tale of the Manticore (a unique dramatized quasi-actual play)
Tavern Chat (with Eric Tenkar):
1) Blog: https://www.tenkarstavern.com/
2) Podcast: https://anchor.fm/tavernchat
3) Video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIdpAASpAI7vu-bZx6pP_mQ
Why so many? He is the Czar of the OSR after all!
Nerd’s RPG Variety Cast (Jason)
Shadow of the GM (Barry)

The Negative Material Plane
Ravenloft Re-visit: Xenophobia Represent!
Gatekeeping: Myth, False Narrative, or Choose your friends wisely?

Definition of gatekeeping first hit on inter webs:
It simply means someone who feels as if they can judge the right or wrong way to do something. The idea of gatekeeping goes far beyond tabletop role-playing games, but for the purposes of this article, we’ll keep it to just how it affects Dungeons and Dragons and other pen-and-paper games.

Many links:

Believes Gatekeeping is a thing to worry about:
Believes Gatekeeping is not a thing:
Believes the SJW crowd/Woke are the Gatekeepers

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Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/biggusgeekus/support

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