Gaming Inspiration

Biggus Geekus Podcast
Biggus Geekus Podcast
Gaming Inspiration

Episode 33Wednesday April 21,2021

The Positive Material Plane
Call-ins: Jason has a whopping 33
We are in a Golden Age of Options: Crowdfunding collection

Gaming Inspiration
Both Direct and Indirect
Movies, Books, Comics, Other Games, Miniatures, Maps, Not playing, Discussion of RPGs with friends, Browsing Internet, Other Podcasts, Biggus Geekus, YouTube, Music, Blogs

A Cabin Con Moment
What is inspiring about CC? Which is greater Before or After? What inspires you to prepare for CC?

Dig this Setting: The Forgotten Realms (1987 1e, 2e, 3e, 4e, and 5e):

Shameless Plug Time
A Changeup…

Please share the podcast with your friends. We really just want to get in people’s ears. Its available most places you can get your podcasts.

Our email is feel free to send any questions or comments to us.

We would also like to encourage you to check out a few podcasts that we like:
Red Dice Diaries (with John Alan Large and his wife Hannah)
Radio Grognard (with Glen Halstrom)
The Tale of the Manticore (a unique dramatized quasi-actual play)
Tavern Chat (with Eric Tenkar)
Nerd’s RPG Variety Cast (Jason)
Shadow of the GM (Barry)

The Negative Material Plane
Comic books…I’ve lost that lov’in feeling.

Though there is some hope -creator owned,now watching Comic Book Men interested to see if they ever touch modern comics- woke/sjw/tokenism

There are also indie artists like ComicArtistPro Secrets on YouTube creating competition

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