Discussing & Playing RPGs And How to Even it Out (twofer)

Episode 30 of our podcast and the date is Wednesday March 31, 2021.
The Positive Material Plane
What have you done this week related to RPGs that has been a net positive for you and why?
Discussing vs Playing RPGs and how to even it out
1) Ignoring the podcast time, which do you/we do more of?
2) What do you think most gamers do more of, talk about or play?
3) Why don’t we play more?
4) Is discussion ever preferred over playing?
5) What is your preferred ratio of playing to discussing?
It’s Just a Game why make as big deal over it?*
1) Is it just a game?
2) Does the fact that it’s a hobby matter?
3) When is this phrase* correct/appropriate to say and when isn’t it?
4) Does it matter if such a phrase* comes from a fellow gamer or non-gamer?
5) I think it may be a lifestyle hobby, at least for us.
6) Hobbies are important
A Cabin Con Moment
Is cabin con a con? Is it just friends getting together to just play games? Is it just a vacation with pals? Or is it something more?
Beat This Game (in the ground)
4e Dungeons and Dragons
Shameless Plug Time
If you would like to support our show, please check out our website at: www.biggusgeekuspodcast.com/support
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Our email is questions@biggusgeekuspodcast.com feel free to send any questions or comments to us.
We would also like to encourage you to check out a few podcasts that we like:
Red Dice Diaries (with John Alan Large and his wife Hannah)
Radio Grognard (with Glen Halstrom)
The Tale of the Manticore (a unique dramatized quasi-actual play)
Tavern Chat (with Eric Tenkar)
Nerd’s RPG Variety Cast (Jason)
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